Public Resources

Resources to Support Your Well-being, Growth, & Wisdom

14 Mins on YouTube. Dan Harris is an ex-news reader who discovered he had panic disorder during an on-air panic attack. 
Episode of the Podcast 10% Happier: Lots of useful info around anxiety, personal growth, optimism, confidence. Anyone who struggles with confidence should listen.
Free repository of meditations and talks on Buddhism, eastern philosophy, and life.
Ted talk on YouTube
Article at
Published by GLAAD for PR professionals. Contains best practice and usage examples.
Wikipedia article. No need to read the whole article; use Ctrl+F to search, or skip to the categories and dot points.
FREE APPS (links are for Android):
Gratitude journalling app scientifically proven to improve mental health. All features free, science explained.
Ever wanted to switch your brain into a different mode? This app can help – all you need is headphones. All features free.
Fantastic for minimizing procrastination and phone/social media overuse.
The world’s #1 therapist recommended meditation app. No need to pay for premium.
Includes many meditations guided by Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, among other features. All features free and unlike most apps, this one won’t mine and sell any of your data.
Therapy Resources:
What scientific research says counselling helps with. Article from
Article on